26 tháng 10 2012

Geo theme wordpress plugin - Yelp Clone

- You want to build a service like Yelp (Yelp Clone)
- You want to earn money from your service.
- You are finding a script for this.

Geotheme is the right thing for your demand. Geotheme is a wordpress plugin which support many features for Business Directory service (Yelp clone)

Some features are cool for you:

  • Create a place with geolocation, name, review, owner listing.
  • Create a event
  • Location built
  • Neighbours place
You can read more from GeoTheme site

You can buy this script from $85 here with full support 

Or you can buy from my script from $4.99 (i have bought from Geotheme) without support from Geotheme.

This file include 3 folders:

  • GeoTheme_3.0.9.zip 
  • GeoTheme-child_1.3.3.zip 
  • GeoTheme-child-BLANK.zip
Here is the screenshot

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